About Us

40 years of experience assisting clients in Mexico and across the globe.

— Sesma, Sesma & McNeese

Sesma, Sesma & McNeese was founded In 1979 as a family owned law practice. At the time, the Sesma brothers began providing legal services focusing on the Intellectual Property and Corporate practice areas. Over the years, the firm diversified its legal services. We are now a full-service firm specializing in Telecom, Labor Law, Foreign Investment and Government Relations, among other practice areas. A modernization process started in early 2000s, this led our legal family office to become a national and internationally recognized law firm.

Currently, Sesma, Sesma & Mcneese has three regional offices in Mexico. In addition, our firm is parto of an international law firms alliance.

Sesma, Sesma & McNeese- Nuestra Historia


Initially, the firm was founded with the name Sesma Sesma. Wes began as a family owned law practice.


We included Telecom as a specialized practice area.


Guillermo Sesma Castellanos takes the leadership of the Corporate practice of the firm. He had 45 years of experience within the private sector.


Durham McNeese, an American litigator based in Houston Texas, becomes a partner. The name of the firm changes to Sesma Sesma & McMcNeese


The firm starts an expansion within the country. The first regional office opened in the city of Querétaro.


Inauguration of the offices in the city of Monterrey


Los hermanos Sesma inauguran la firma enfocándose en Propiedad Intelectual y Corporativo.


Inauguración de las oficinas en la Ciudad de Monterrey


Guillermo Sesma Castellanos –con más de 45 años de experiencia en el sector privado decide unirse a la firma tomando el liderazgo del área de Derecho Corporativo.


Incorporamos a nuestros servicios el área especializada de Telecomunicaciones

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